NAVETCO – A powerful assistant for breeders


NAVETCO Company owns a team of highly skilled technical staff, with 272 employees trained both domestically and internationally: including 04 PhDs, 22 Masters, 98 university graduates. , and hybrids are trained technical workers

With more than 60 years of establishment and development, NAVETCO Company has become one of the leading units in the country in the production and trading of vaccines and veterinary drugs.

Research and development of factory

With strengths in technology, a highly skilled and experienced workforce, NAVETCO’s products always create prestige in the domestic and foreign markets. Currently, products produced by the company are consumed in all 63 provinces and cities nationwide and are present in a number of countries in the region such as Cambodia, Laos, Myammar, Bangladesh, China, …

In addition to trading in products produced by the Company, NAVETCO also imports a number of high quality products that the Company has not yet produced from the Republic of France, the Netherlands, the Russian Federation, Japan, … NKP Pharma is one of the world’s leading machinery suppliers specializing in drugs and vaccines providing filling machines dry powder for NAVETCO with a capacity of up to 120 products/minute to serve production and improve product quality.

Tin Dan is honored to be the authorized distributor of NKP Pharma in Vietnam.


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