Have you ever wondered what a filling machine is? How it works? If you are producing carbonated drinks, milk and wine etc. How to put your product into bottles as quickly as possible?
Filling machine is a necessary equipment for the manufacturing industry to promote product quality and efficiency during production. They are commonly used to package food or beverages, but their use also extends to pouches and packaging.
However, products with different forms (liquid, tablets, paste, powder) require different specialized filling machines. And these products are packaged in specified quantities in cartons, plastic bags or bottles.
- Learn More about different types of filling machines. Here
Note: Learn how to choose a quality filling machine high to ensure your investment is in the right direction. Click on the image to see detailed instructions

They can be classified as automatic, semi-automatic and fully automatic machines. Based on the viscosity of the product they can also be liquid, powder and powder and paste (cream, cosmetic).
It is important to note that there are different types of products on the market that when we talk about the principle of operation. Here Tin Dan only considers the operating principles of liquid, ‘gas’ and adhesive (glue).
Air filter
“Air filling machine” uses a simple method. It uses a booster pump to create the pressure differential required for filling. This air booster is very similar to an air compressor. Examples of these fill materials are carbon dioxide, coal gas and natural gas etc.
Liquid low viscosity products
Based on the working principle, people divide liquid filling machines</ strong> into conventional filling machines, pressure machines and vacuum filling machines. Conventional liquid filling machines operate by gravity, where the liquid is filled by its weight into specific bottles. However, special requirements must be met to maintain the viscosity and gas pressure of the fluid. Notable examples of this are bottles of milk and grape wine etc.
Vacuum filling machines require atmospheric pressure greater than the pressure of the bottles Liquids like syrup, oil and wine etc. often use this principle.
There are also “equal air pressure filling” and “high pressure filling”. In “equal air pressure filling”, the pressure of the liquid reservoir is equal to the pressure of the bottle, and therefore the liquids enter the bottle according to their weight. On the other hand, high pressure filling works thanks to the pressure difference between the liquid reservoir and the bottles.
High viscosity product (thick, sticky)
Slurry filling machine</a > is the optimal solution for paste products with high containment. The machine uses piston filling principle for application. This method is considered very effective and easy to maintain. It is especially handy for highly viscous products.
This machine is based on a cylinder, in which a piston can move. The piston diameter along with the stroke length determines the filling volume.